Cyber Security Services

Professional Cybersecurity Solutions for Modern Businesses and Individuals


Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Cybersecurity Experts – Secure Your Digital Assets Now!


Endpoint Security

In today’s interconnected world, endpoint security is more crucial than ever. At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we understand the importance of safeguarding every endpoint in your network—be it desktops, laptops, mobile devices, or servers—against a wide array of cyber threats. Our comprehensive endpoint security solutions are designed to detect, respond to, and remediate threats swiftly and effectively.

Network Security

In an era where cyber threats are constantly evolving, securing your network is imperative to protect sensitive data and maintain business continuity. At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we specialize in delivering robust network security solutions that protect your infrastructure from the perimeter to the core.

Email Security

Email remains one of the most common entry points for security breaches. Protecting this vital communication channel is essential to safeguard your confidential data and maintain the integrity of your business operations. U.S. Cyber Corporation offers advanced email security solutions tailored to prevent, detect, and respond to a myriad of email threats.

About Us


At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we stand at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation and defense. With over 20 years of combined experience, our team comprises dedicated subject matter experts passionate about safeguarding digital landscapes. Our expertise spans the breadth of cybersecurity disciplines, offering unparalleled insights and solutions to protect against evolving cyber threats.At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we believe in a proactive approach to cybersecurity. We’re not just defenders; we’re innovators, educators, and partners to our clients. We understand that trust is paramount in our line of work, and we strive to build lasting relationships based on transparency, integrity, and results.

Cyber Security

Fully Manged Security Solutions

At U.S. Cyber Corporation, our fully managed cybersecurity services represent the pinnacle of comprehensive defense in the digital realm. Designed to address the entirety of the cybersecurity lifecycle, our services encompass every aspect of cyber defense, ensuring robust protection for businesses and organizations of all sizes. From preemptive threat intelligence and risk assessment to real-time monitoring, incident response, and recovery, our approach is holistic and dynamic.

Our team, comprised of seasoned cybersecurity professionals, leverages state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge methodologies to deliver a defense-in-depth strategy. This means not only guarding against external threats but also fortifying internal systems and educating staff to recognize and mitigate risks. We understand that cybersecurity is not a one-size-fits-all proposition; therefore, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs and challenges of each client.

Cyber Defense Solutions

Cyber Security Services

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect yourself or your small business from cyber threats. U.S. Cyber Corporation we understand the importance of cyber security for small businesses, and we have the expertise and tools to help keep your systems and data safe.

Trust U.S. Cyber Corporation to keep your systems and data safe. 

Our Services (Fully Managed or As Needed)

Proactive Threat Monitoring

  • Continuous oversight of your digital landscape, ensuring threats are identified and neutralized before they escalate. 

Threat Assessments

  • Comprehensive evaluations pinpointing vulnerabilities, giving you the edge against potential cyber threats.

Email Security

  • Safeguard your communication. From phishing threats to confidential data leaks, ensure every message remains private and protected.

Network and Firewall Configuration

  • Optimal setup and maintenance of your digital barriers, ensuring strong protection against external threats.

Vulnerability Scans 

  • Regularly scour your systems, identifying and rectifying potential weak spots before they can be exploited.

Cloud Security

  • Your data, safe in the cloud. Comprehensive protection ensuring your remote storage is fortified against breaches.

Cell Phone Security

  • Personal or professional, every mobile device deserves elite protection. Keep your data and communications secure on the go.

Incident Response

  • Post incident Digital Forensic Investigations to uncover evidence to identify and mitigate incidents of hacking, outages and data compromise. 

Remote/Online Cyber Security Services Ensuring 24/7 Protection

Cyber Security
Fully Managed Security Services
Email Security
Threat Monitoring

Did you Know?

Recent studies have shown that a cyber attack occurs every 39 seconds, with 43% of these attacks targeted at small businesses. Without robust cybersecurity measures, your business could be next.

Discover How We Can Elevate Your Cybersecurity – Inquire About Our Services Today!


We recently assisted a local flower shop with updating and strengthening their email security.

  1. Configured email filters to block spam emails and emails containing known malware signatures.
  2. Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for email logins to prevent unauthorized access to the flower shop’s email accounts.
  3. Configuring email encryption to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information contained in email messages.
  4. Trained flower shop employees on how to recognize and avoid phishing emails, and how to report suspicious emails to the cybersecurity service.
  5. Continuous Monitoring of email traffic for signs of suspicious activity, such as large volumes of emails being sent from a single account, or emails being sent to unfamiliar recipients.


Cyber Security

Cyber Security Services

Why Us

We Understand Small Business Security Challenges

Small businesses often have limited resources and budgets for cyber security, making it difficult to implement and maintain effective security measures. At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we understand these challenges and work with small businesses to develop customized solutions that meet their needs and budget. We prioritize cost-effective solutions that provide maximum protection for your business.

We Offer a Range of Cyber Security Services

We offer a range of cyber security services to help small businesses protect their systems and data. Our services include vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, incident response, compliance audits, email security, threat monitoring, and remote management and monitoring. Whether you need a one-time assessment or ongoing security services, we have the expertise and tools to help keep your business secure.

We Use Industry-Leading Tools and Techniques

We use industry-leading tools and techniques to ensure that our cyber security services are effective and efficient. We stay up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and trends, and we use this knowledge to provide the best possible security solutions for our clients. Our team of cyber security professionals holds industry certifications, such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), ensuring that we have the knowledge and skills to provide top-notch security services.

We Provide Personalized Service and Support

At U.S. Cyber Corporation we provide personalized service and support to all of our clients. We understand that each small business is unique, and we work closely with our clients to develop customized security solutions that meet their specific needs. We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure that our clients are always protected from the latest cyber threats.

In today’s digital age, cyber security is no longer an option for small businesses – it’s a necessity. At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we are committed to helping small businesses protect their systems and data from cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about our cyber security services and how we can help keep your business secure.

Using Remote Cyber Security Services

Using a remote cyber security services company can offer several advantages for small businesses. First and foremost, a remote company can offer access to top-notch cyber security professionals who might not be available locally. This can mean a broader range of expertise, better technology, and more efficient service.

Another advantage of a remote cyber security services company is the ability to provide services without the need for on-site visits. This can save time and money for small businesses, as well as reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses. Remote services can also be provided outside of normal business hours, which can minimize disruption to a small business’s operations.

At U.S. Cyber Corporation, we specialize in providing remote cyber security services to small businesses. Our team of experts can provide personalized service and support, no matter where you are located. Contact us today to learn more about our remote cyber security services and how we can help protect your small business from cyber threats.



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