Our digital forensic experts are certified professionals who specialize in the identification, preservation, analysis, and presentation of digital evidence. We use a variety state of the art tools and techniques to recover and analyze data from computers, mobile devices, servers, networks, and other electronic devices, and use that data to investigate cases like cyber breaches, hacking or uncover alibi and exculpatory evidence in support legal cases. Our digital forensic experts are former law enforcement officers have been qualified as subject matter experts in court.
What is digital forensics you may ask?
Digital forensics is the practice of identifying, preserving, analyzing, and presenting digital evidence in a manner that is legally admissible. It is used in a variety of settings, including criminal investigations, civil litigation, and corporate investigations. The goal of digital forensics is to recover and analyze data from electronic devices in a way that is forensically sound, meaning that the evidence has been collected, processed, and presented in a manner that is legally defensible.
Digital forensic experts use a variety of tools and techniques to recover and analyze data from computers, mobile devices, servers, networks, and other electronic devices. They may also be responsible for preparing reports and presenting their findings in court or other legal proceedings. Digital forensics is a rapidly evolving field, and practitioners must stay up to date with the latest tools and techniques in order to be effective.
Digital forensic reports are documents that detail the findings of a digital forensic investigation. They typically include a summary of the case or investigation, the steps taken to collect and analyze the digital evidence, and the results of the analysis. Digital forensic reports may also include information about the tools and techniques used in the investigation, as well as any relevant background information.
Digital forensic reports are used in a variety of settings, including criminal investigations, civil litigation, and corporate investigations. They may be presented as evidence in court or other legal proceedings, or they may be used to inform decision-making within an organization. The level of detail included in a digital forensic report may vary depending on the purpose of the report and the intended audience.